Thursday, June 19, 2014

Polishing stage?

Lesson today: Take one thing at a time!

I went a bit over my head by deciding to use this dragon rig while trying to create better blocking techniques for animating. This rig has a lot of controls, which is great! But when you are trying to establish a more solid workflow...there is a HUGE chance for distraction.

So there is "blocking" and "SMART blocking." I think we know which will work better.
I got this from a tutorial and it made perfect sense and should always be practiced. Smart blocking: Blocking in poses while being constantly aware of the 12 principles.

Yep. Genius words but its also stating the obvious. My polished dragon isn't as "polished" as it could of been and that is because I didn't properly blocked out my poses like I should of. I might of got distracted by the cool wings.

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