Wednesday, June 18, 2014

But dragons don't exist in reality...

Nope. Dragons do not exist. Neither do centaurs, fauns, mermaids or Cthulhu (whew!).
Animating mythical creatures are challenging and finding reference will require a bit of imagination and taking a few things from 'here' or 'there.' There is no way one source will fit everything you need in order to block out your creature.

Since i'm working with a dragon, I can't go to the zoo and capture it onto my camera (as awesome as that would be). Instead, I had to think about this creature anatomically and what animals come close to resembling it followed by more questions:
 How does this creature feel? What is he/she like? What species is it?
Like any other character, this creature's story is important and will play a key role in how you will portray and animate him/her.
To better organize these ideas--sketch it out! They don't have to be perfect, but enough to get the point across.

Also before I forget:
Do not...and I repeat DO NOT use animated mythical creatures as your reference! Be creative and get to know your character (like I mentioned before).

I'm still in the blocking stages and I will post more about this process when I start polishing.

(Dragon rig courtesy of

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