Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Finding a balance.

This week I am focusing on quadrupeds and other creatures.
During this process, I have been using Digital Tutors to help guide me when I hit a wall. Like I mentioned before, if you have access to it--I highly recommend downloading project files and following along with the tutorials. This definitely has aided me with this panther run cycle.

Last week while I was working on a cycle for a biped, I somewhat concluded that blocking out poses didn't work as well for a simple walk. WRONG. Animating straight ahead isn't an absolute remedy either.
Straight ahead animation is the only option when working with stop motion puppets. In 3D, there needs to be a balance of both. Following the tutorial helped me (once again) break some habits.

(Panther rig is courtesy of Digital Tutors)


  1. Glad I checked this out. Although I no absolutely nothing about what your talking about.....it's all very very interesting and inspirational for my daughter Lanlan. I'm sure when she sees this she will think it's way cool..........

    1. Hey Wesley! Thank you for checking it out and please share it with Lanlan :)!
